DataTables row select example


It can be quite useful at times to provide the user with the option to select rows in a DataTable. This can be done using the API functions that DataTables provides. The example below uses the fnRowCallback() function to add a 'click' listener to each row, which will highlight the required row when selected. The indexes of the selected rows are then provided through the custom function fnGetSelected() for later processing.

Live example

Delete selected row

Show entries
Rendering engine Browser Platform(s) Engine version CSS grade
Rendering engine Browser Platform(s) Engine version CSS grade
Gecko Firefox 1.0 Win 98+ / OSX.2+ 1.7 A
Gecko Firefox 1.5 Win 98+ / OSX.2+ 1.8 A
Gecko Firefox 2.0 Win 98+ / OSX.2+ 1.8 A
Gecko Firefox 3.0 Win 2k+ / OSX.3+ 1.9 A
Gecko Camino 1.0 OSX.2+ 1.8 A
Gecko Camino 1.5 OSX.3+ 1.8 A
Gecko Netscape 7.2 Win 95+ / Mac OS 8.6-9.2 1.7 A
Gecko Netscape Browser 8 Win 98SE+ 1.7 A
Gecko Netscape Navigator 9 Win 98+ / OSX.2+ 1.8 A
Gecko Mozilla 1.0 Win 95+ / OSX.1+ 1 A
Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries

Initialisation code

var oTable;
var giRedraw = false;

$(document).ready(function() {
	/* Add a click handler to the rows - this could be used as a callback */
	$("#example tbody").click(function(event) {
		$(oTable.fnSettings().aoData).each(function (){
	/* Add a click handler for the delete row */
	$('#delete').click( function() {
		var anSelected = fnGetSelected( oTable );
		oTable.fnDeleteRow( anSelected[0] );
	} );
	/* Init the table */
	oTable = $('#example').dataTable( );
} );

/* Get the rows which are currently selected */
function fnGetSelected( oTableLocal )
	var aReturn = new Array();
	var aTrs = oTableLocal.fnGetNodes();
	for ( var i=0 ; i<aTrs.length ; i++ )
		if ( $(aTrs[i]).hasClass('row_selected') )
			aReturn.push( aTrs[i] );
	return aReturn;

Other examples

Basic initialisation

Advanced initialisation

Data sources

Server-side processing



Please refer to the DataTables documentation for full information about its API properties and methods.