_title=AVL Tracking
_Statusref=Status Update After
_Maptools=Map tools
_measuredistance=measure distance
_measurearea=measure area
_usegeodesicmeasures=use geodesic measures
_History_lasthour=Last Hour
_History_last3hour=Last 3 Hour
_History_last6hour=Last 6 Hour
_History_last12hour=Last 12 Hour
_History_other=Choose Specific Date and Time
_History_showd=Show details
_History_playalert=This Option Allow You to do simulation for this car driver track
Please Note that this Option Make Line Between Each Two Point Automatically so it will not fit street Line 100%
_History_playtrack=Play Track
_autoplay=Track Simulation
_ADDZONE=Add New Zone
_ADDCITY=Add New City
_ADDSECTOR=Add New Sector
_POIEZN=English Zone Name
_POIAZN=Arabic Zone Name
_YOUMUST=You Must Choose
_POIECN=English City Name
_POIACN=Arabic City Name
_POIESN=English Sector Name
_POIASN=Arabic Sector Name
_POAWN=Arabic Way Name
_POEWN=English Way Name
_ADDSTREET=Add New Street
_msg1=Loading Data
_msg3=Select City
_msg4=Select Sector
_msg5=Select Zone
_msg6=Put on Map
_POIPV=Preview POI Points